学费 and 费s

MCCC的学区学费大约是大多数四年制公立学院和大学的三分之一. 和, 门罗县居民申请入学并在4月15日之前将ACT或SAT成绩和高中成绩单发送到MCCC,将自动被考虑为受托人优秀奖学金, which pays for up to $1,500 of tuition.* 

Bil实验室le Contact Hours:  MCCC根据课程的可计费接触时数而不是学时来确定参加课程的费用.  一个可计费的联系小时反映了在整个学期课程中,学生在一个典型的星期中与老师直接接触的时间, 实验室oratory equipment or other instructional setting. Bil实验室le contact hour information, in addition to credit hour information, 对于每一门课程都可以在课程信息中找到 myWebPAL

2024年夏天 Bil实验室le Contact Hours

2024年秋季 Bil实验室le Contact Hours


Summer Semester 2024. MCCC的学费和费用如下,可由董事会更改:

Residency Status


梦露 County Resident (In-district)







登记 费


Technology 费

$25/contact hour

门罗县60岁或以上的居民可以获得学费补助金,支付任何学分和非学分大学课程学费的50%. 登记, 技术, 实验室, 特殊费用和学分考试费用不受豁免,是学生的责任. For more information, contact the 招生 and Guidance Office at 734.384.4104.

Fall Semester 2024. MCCC的学费和费用如下,可由董事会更改:

Residency Status


梦露 County Resident (In-district)







登记 费


Technology 费

$29/contact hour

门罗县60岁或以上的居民可以获得学费补助金,支付任何学分和非学分大学课程学费的50%. 登记, 技术, 实验室, 特殊费用和学分考试费用不受豁免,是学生的责任. For more information, contact the 招生 and Guidance Office at 734.384.4104.

Estimated Annual 学费 and 费s*









登记 费




Technology 费








*根据秋季和冬季学期的出勤率估算(总共24小时).  其他特殊课程费用也可能适用,取决于课程选择.


Residency Status

学杂费按开学第一天或开学第一天后学生正式入学第一天的居留情况核定收取. Requests for change of status must be submitted by that time.

Resident rates will be assessed in cases where: 

1. 学生, or parents of a dependent student, 在门罗县(密歇根州)拥有房产或企业. 

2. 学生的学费由他或她的雇主支付,学生或雇主都被认为是县居民. (如果雇主经营企业,则该雇主被视为县居民, or branch thereof, within 梦露 County, 密歇根州). 

3. 学生 is considered a resident, defined as follows: 

  • 受抚养学生的住所以其父母或法定监护人的住所为准. 学生必须凭目前的健康保险或父母/法定监护人以前的纳税申报表申报. 
  • 一个人如果在密歇根州居住六个月,就有资格成为居民, and 2) 30 days within a 梦露 County (密歇根州) precinct. If a person moves to another precinct within the county, he/she is still considered a resident of the county. 
  • 任何根据第30章(蒙哥马利退伍军人法案* -现役计划)使用教育援助的个人, Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill*) of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311 (b)(9))在十大外围app就读期间居住在密歇根州的学生(无论他/她的正式居住州)的学费不得超过州内学费.

In cases where the residency of a student is considered in doubt, 学生可能会被要求提供以下证明:1)最新的选民登记卡, 2) a vehicle registration form (pre-printed by the Secretary of State), 3) a driver’s license, 4)由市政府官员出具的证明该学生在该县居住了多长时间的公文. 与本条例有关的个别案件的问题应直接向书记官长提出.

Paying for College

学生菜单 on myWebPAL, select View Account and Make Payments学费 and 费s – Your Account for the amount due.

You have several options for making payment.

  1. 学费 Payment Plan described below.
  2. 付款 Financial 援助: 所有在myWebPAL注册之前完成经济援助文件的学生将在课程开始后申请学费和杂费. 注册后决定不上课的学生必须联系注册办公室取消注册. 接受经济援助的学生负责支付其经济援助未涵盖的任何费用.
  3. Payment through Finance Self-Service: 您可以通过ACH从支票或储蓄账户通过财务自助服务付款. Credit or debit card payment is also accepted. 信用卡或借记卡支付将向持卡人收取2%的便利费. 您可以在注册时(或之后)付款,只要您在付款截止日期之前付款. 你有责任支付学费或退课。.
  4. Payment in Person: You may pay at the cashier’s window on or before the deadline. The cashier accepts cash, checks, VISA, Discover Card and MasterCard. Cashier hours are listed on the office hours page. 信用卡或借记卡支付将向持卡人收取2%的便利费. 这笔费用是中冶接受信用卡付款的一部分费用. MCCC does not profit in any way 从 this fee.
  5. 付款 Mail: 通过邮件付款只适用于那些在该学期的学费支付截止日期之前收到付款的人. 开具支票给MCCC,支付你的学费和其他费用. 在支票或汇票的正面写上学生的姓名和社会安全号码或学生证号码, and mail to: Cashier’s Office, 梦露 County 社区 College, 1555 South Raisinville Road, 梦露, 密歇根, 48161-9746. If your check is returned for insufficient funds, a hold will be placed on your records until your account is up-to-date. There is a $15 charge for returned checks

There is a wide variety of scholarships avai实验室le to MCCC students, so we encourage all students to apply. The good news is that the application process is completely online, and there is just one application! Learn more by exploring the 奖学金 section of our website.



MCCC, 与联邦和州政府以及私人和民间组织合作, offers a variety of scholarship, 格兰特, 贷款和就业机会,以帮助学生资助他们的教育.


In addition to low tuition and so many scholarships, MCCC允许学生在一段时间内支付学杂费,使上大学更容易负担得起. 我们的学费支付计划将您的学费余额分解为可负担的每月付款. 没有利息,付款方式灵活,设置费用负担得起,注册也很容易.



Classes Begin:  五月 13       
"Last Day to Enroll Online" "Required Down Payment" "Number of Payments" "Payment Months"
April 25, 2024 40% 2 五月 & 6月
2024年5月24日 50% 1 6月


Classes Begin:  August 21      
"Last Day to Enroll Online" "Required Down Payment" "Number of Payments" "Payment Months"
April 30, 2024 没有一个 5 六月至十月
2024年5月31日 没有一个 4 七月至十月
6月 15, 2024 25% 3 8月- 10月
July 20, 2024 40% 2 9月 & 10月
August 26, 2024 50% 1 10只


学费 and Technology 费 Refund Policy 

2024年秋季 Refund Information

Full Semester Courses

100% 学费 Refund Tuesday, 8月27日, 2024:  50% 学费 Refund Period, 周三, August 28 - 周三, 9月4日, 2024:  No 学费 Refund beginning Thursday, 9月5日, 2024.

非标准课程是指在学期开始/结束日期不开始或不结束的课程. If a course length is one to 13 days, 在第一次上课前退课,全额退款. No refunds will be issued after this time. If a course length is 14-63 calendar days, 100%退款将在课程的第一个或第二个工作日申请. If withdrawing on the third or fourth business day of the class, students will receive a 50 percent refund. No refunds will be issued after this time.

Non-standard Courses

A tuition refund computation is not based on the amount paid, but on the total amount of tuition and fees assessed. If you have a tuition balance at the time you withdraw 从 class(es), the refund (if any) will be credited to your account. 从50%退款期开始,实验室费用将不予退还.

The 登记 费 is non-refundable. NOTE: Some Math courses have a $100 fee. This fee is not refundable after your section of the class has met.